
Lucid Dreaming Kit

Do you remember all the hype about Virtual Reality?

If you believed what the pundits were saying over a decade ago, by now our leisure time would be spent exploring alternate worlds and having adventures as secret agents, powerful warriors or even real-life Casanovas ... all as if we were 'really there'.

Unfortunately, technology never quite got there ... and maybe never will.

But, did you know that there are a few men and women who enjoy adventures in 'virtual reality' one, two or even seven times every week?

These fortunate people have harnessed the power of what is known as 'lucid dreaming'.

Unlike 'normal' dreams which are hazy, confused and often forgotten the second you wake up, lucid dreams are special.

In a lucid dream you are 'awake within the dream'.
You know you're dreaming, yet the world around you seems as 'real' as the one you're in now. So, whether you want to fly a fighter aircraft, sleep with Cameron Diaz or play guitar onstage with your favorite band, you can do it in a lucid dream.

It will seem as real as anything you have ever done ... and you'll remember it in the morning too!

Fortunately, the simple techniques you need to master to have a lucid dream whenever you want one are no longer the secrets of a 'chosen few'.

You can start your night-time adventures today by Read more here >>>

Binaural Beat CDs

Wouldn't it be great if you were master of your thoughts, instead of a slave to them?

So, for instance, when you want to be chilled out and relaxed, you can gently stop yourself from worrying about work. Or, if you need to be super-focused on the task at hand, you can quit dreaming about the weekend and harness all your mental resources to help you.

Well, you can. Not by effort, not by willpower, not by hypnosis ... but by simply listening to a special CD.

For years scientists have understood the relationship between audio frequencies and brainwave patterns and how to induce certain states of mind by listening to certain sounds. They call these sounds 'Binaural Beats'.

Now, thanks to the new range of Binaural Beat CDs at http://www.binaural-beats.com/ you can use this amazing technology to create whatever state of mind you wish. So, for instance you can use the 'Digital Drug' CD to create a feeling of euphoria and 'oneness' with the world; the 'Ultra-Deep Meditation' CD to reach the same meditative states it take gurus and Tibetan monks years to master; or the 'Razor Sharp Focus CD' to make your mind as concentrated as a laser beam.

With the correct application of binaural beat technology, you can train your mind to work for you, rather than against you. Check out JUST CLICK www.binaural-beats.com

Subliminal studio

Let me share something with you...

Subliminal messaging is POWERFUL.

But if you're reading this, you probably already know that.

That's why the CIA invested millions into subliminal messaging research way back in the 1950's. The technology was proven in the 60's following research studies by William Bryan Key, Vance Packard, and Eldon Taylor -- all proving subliminals to be a highly effective method of influencing thought.

And in the 1970's, the US Government infamously even tried to BAN subliminal messages!

Subliminal messaging is a method of sending commands directly to the subconscious mind, bypassing the more critical conscious. The subconscious mind quickly absorbs and acts on these commands. And that means QUICK and EFFECTIVE change!




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Interested? Just click the button below to view our full catalog, or scroll down to view some of our most popular CDs.

And take your time. Sit back, put up your feet, and surf... READ MORE >>>

Subliminal Power

I'm a big fan of self-improvement books and courses. I think each of us owes it to ourselves to become all that we can be.

But reading a book or following a course is so time-consuming. Sometimes I feel that there are so many aspects of my life I want to improve I'll be an old man before I've even changed half of them!

That's why I was delighted to discover Bradley Thomson and his incredible 'Subliminal Power' website at www.subliminal-power.com

Bradley's Subliminal Power tool lets you achieve all that you want to achieve in a fraction of the time and with absolutely NO effort whatsoever! It's a little tool that runs in the background on your PC, making carefully constructed 'suggestions' to your subconscious while you get on with your work. It's the mental equivalent of those abdominal exercisers that let you do 3,000 press ups while sitting in a chair!

With Bradley's technology you can raise your IQ to genius level, develop astonishing powers of concentration and recall, become a 'natural' salesperson or public speaker and even 'command' your body to lose weight. You can use subliminal messaging to be who YOU want to be with absolutely NO effort on your behalf!

It's far more powerful than hypnosis ... in fact, I'd go so far as to say it's the most powerful tool for self-empowerment there is.

Check out Bradley's site at Click subliminal-power

How to Be Funny

How would YOU like to be the LIFE and SOUL of ANY social gathering?

Let's be honest. We all LOVE those individuals that make us LAUGH.

The funnier you are, the more people like you.

Well, how funny are YOU?

What if you could suddenly become EVEN FUNNIER, just by following a few simple rules?

Master wit Max Matterson has worked in the comedy world for the past 20 years. He's the co-author of "Comedy Writing Secrets" and trained many of the big late night show hosts.

He knows EXACTLY how to train ANYONE to become super-witty in just minutes. Matterson claims there are just a series of simple rules that ANYONE can follow to become hilariously funny!

Do YOU want to discover his COMEDY SECRETS?

Visit his website online and learn more: http://www.how-to-be-funny.com

Max shares EVERYTHING with you -- and GUARANTEES that your new-found funny skills will ROCKET your business and social life. In fact he'll buy back the course if you're not absolutely THRILLED!

When was the last time you invested even FIVE MINUTES in developing your social skills? Especially in something as important as your HUMOR?

Do it now. Click HERE and get started: http://www.how-to-be-funny.com

Thanks for your time!

Acne solutions

Last week, Jenny was the sort of girl that men didn't want to date.
This week, they're literally DROOLING over her. And honestly? That probably includes me!

Because this time last week, my good friend Jenny was suffering from serious, long-term acne. Her confidence had fallen to an all-time low. She didn't feel like a true woman. She was being held back by dry, flaking, peeling skin.

This week, her acne has disappeared. She's enjoying a silky-smooth complexion with radiant, glowing skin. And her confidence has absolutely rocketed!

I mean - seriously - she's getting a LOT of very positive attention!
Why? Because, she told me, she'd just bought a guide to curing acne - which included a special 72-hour process GUARANTEED to leave your skin feeling wonderful in JUST THREE DAYS.

She followed the simple instructions. And they WORKED.

I couldn't believe the difference. I was, and still am, absolutely amazed.
And that's why I had to write to you this week with this special website recommendation.

If YOU suffer from acne and are looking for a cure, then I urge you to discover this brand new guide. It's called "Acne Freedom in 72 Hours" and you can find it online at: totalacnefreedom

It comes with a total money-back guarantee, so it's absolutely no-risk to try it out. I've personally seen it work wonders. Check the site - I think you'll be pretty impressed too! READ MORE >>>

Stop Smoking Sucks

I must admit, one month ago, I had a naughty habit. It’s true. I was a smoker.

Now, all smokers know that smoking isn’t a nice habit. It’s ENJOYABLE and it’s ADDICTIVE. But if we could achieve that level of relaxation doing anything else, I’m pretty sure we would.
Come on, who wants to smell like a chimney all day long?

This month, I feel exhilarated. After years of trying to stop, I finally managed to quit the habit in just over three short weeks.
I feel youthful and clean again, my mouth feels fresh, my sense of taste and smell are starting to come alive. And my wife is happier kissing me, and my children are happier that I’ll live another 10 or 20 years!

Yes. NOT smoking feels fantastic!

But I could only have done this with the help of one person. My good friend, Melvin Powers, who recently wrote: “Stop Smoking in 28 Days... Or Less!”

Melvin sent me a copy of his guide when I told him about my “addiction”.

He’s not the sort of guy that will tell you how BAD you are for smoking. He’s a methodical guy and explains it all in pure English. He agrees – stopping smoking SUCKS.
Mevlin can teach you the EXACT methods you need to quit smoking – without the pain, withdrawal symptoms and evil cravings usually associated with the process.
Plus he backs it all up with a 100% money-back guarantee too.
So, ever considered kicking the habit?

To your good health, READ MORE >>>

Sleep Deprivation

If you sleep like a baby all night, every night then I’m sorry, but this message is NOT for you!

But if, like me you have ever suffered from insomnia or any other form of sleep deprivation, then I know what you’d give for a good night’s sleep…

** Just about anything, right? **
The endless hours staring at your bedroom ceiling … the thoughts and worries that play full volume in your head and just won’t leave you alone … shuffling aimlessly around the house waiting for sleep to come … trying to cope the next day when everyone else is wide awake and refreshed …

Only to return to bed, exhausted, and STILL not get a good night’s sleep.

Chronic insomnia or persistent sleep deprivation really is a waking nightmare. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. I’ve spent fortunes trying various ‘cures’ over the years.

Nothing ever worked.

Until I got chatting to self-help author and guru Bradley Thompson and found out that he too used to suffer from insomnia.

What’s more, he claimed to have found a cure and to be sleeping the sleep of the just ever since. And he found it by accident!

He told me about his remarkable discovery. This cure is based on a radical new use of a fairly old technology, discovered by a German research scientist way back in 1839. I must admit, if it hadn’t been for his credentials, I would have thought the guy was NUTS for thinking that this could apply to insomnia.

“Yeah, right!” I thought.

Still, I agreed to try it. Like I said, I would have tried anything.

You know what? IT WORKED! And, much to my delight and surprise it has WORKED EVERY NIGHT EVER SINCE!

If you’re a sufferer, you should be dancing on the table right now, because THIS IS THE REAL DEAL – a permanent cure for your sleepless nights. .

It is 100% safe, 100% effective, does not involve taking drugs and – this is the bit I like! – requires absolutely *NO* effort on your behalf at all.

I’ve got my life back! I’d love to think I can help someone else get theirs back too. Check out Bradley’s site here: READ MORE >>>